

TUSAŞ Motor Ticaret A.Ş. (TEI)



TEI 1985 In; Turkish Air Force F-16 aircraft will be entered into inventory and F110 engines that power these aircraft will gain high-tech scope of the Turkish Defence Industry was established as a strategic business model. Founded purpose, of gas turbine engines for aircraft engines and other R & D, design, production, maintenance, repair, revision, modification and modernization in Turkey in the establishment of a modern aircraft engine industry, operation and maintenance is.

TEI P, 5'lik stock TAI-Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. to, %46,2'Stake in General Electric Company, %3.3'Luxury stock of the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation and belongs to the Turkish Air Force.

Vision of "worldwide, high quality, compete to be the main manufacturer of aircraft engine "that determines the form of the TEI's mission, "Technological basis of the aerospace industry to develop the country by providing superior products and services to create a permanent aircraft engine industry is".

TEI, Since its foundation as a commercial and military aircraft and helicopter engines for its national and international projects in the area successfully proved itself in the field of aviation. Constantly improving its technological infrastructure, production, motor mountain, test, maintenance, repair, revision and design capabilities, implementation capacity and quality of service that exceeds customer expectations with the goal of becoming the main manufacturer of aircraft engines are advancing with firm steps.

TEI, "Part and Module Production", "Motor Mountainous woe Test", "Maintenance Repair and Overhaul", "Services", "Engine Design and Product Development" activities in the fields of aviation industry with high quality products are offered, worldwide is classified as a manufacturing and design center.


For more information, www.tei.com.tr